The eyes are the window to the soul. This very well-known saying implies that the eyes reflect what is deeper – heart level deep.
But what if it’s a two-way street?
What if the eyes determine what goes into the heart and then also reflects it back?
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body is also full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body is full of darkness. Luke 11:34-36
There was a popular Vacation Bible School song in the 80’s that warned us about being careful about what we see, hear and say. Our eyes process 1 million bits of info every 13 milliseconds, which brings a new level of depth to that song. We “see” so much that our brain does not process.
The majority of what we see simply stops at the visual cortex. We determine what our brain will process further by actively paying visual attention to it. Focusing on that visual image signals that we are giving it meaning. It is important.
The meaning and importance is further processed by the filter we place over the image…our perception. Our perception can be driven by facts, feelings, context or lack thereof, wants, needs, dreams, expectations, hopes, optimism, pessimism – it comes from a human brain and heart – our own understanding.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (v.5-6)
Seated twist postures are great for strengthening areas of the body that are often weakest. Engaging in these postures also allows us feel the connection between our eyes and body.
Our body will follow our eyes.
Turning the head allows for a deeper expression of the form. Physically, our eyes are leading the body. Spiritually, our perception of what we see leads our heart.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil (v. 7)
Intentionality has been a recurring theme in the Rhythm of Grace yoga classes.
Being intentional about our filter of perception can completely alter what we see. It can change our heart. We find over and over a plea for us, as Christ followers, to ask for wisdom, to see things through the eyes of faith.
This is not promising that a Christ centered filter is going to color everything rosy or automatically blur out the bad stuff. In fact, it may even bring the ugly into sharper focus.
But Proverbs 3:8 reminds us that when we allow Christ to govern our mind and heart we see things in a light that brings healing and refreshment.
It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. (v. 8) Proverbs 3:5-8
I pray that as you find yourself on the mat, you will ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes that perceive through the lens of Christ.
Knowing that while the situation may stay the same, your understanding will be made straight bringing healing and refreshment to your bones. Let the light of the Lord enter your heart and be reflected back.